Written by Parvizi J, Ghanem E, Heppert V, Spangehl M, Abraham J, Azzam K, Barnes L, Burgo FJ, Ebeid W, Goyal N, Guerra E, Hitt K, Kallel S, Klein G, Kosashvili Y, Levine B, Matsen L, Morris MJ, Purtill JJ, Ranawat C, Sharkey PF, Sierra R, Stefansdottir A.

Wound Management.

J Arthroplasty. 2013 Dec 13. pii: S0883-5403(13)00722-5. doi: 10.1016/j.arth.2013.09.041. [Epub ahead of print] No abstract available

Written by Parvizi J, Hansen E, Belden K, Silibovsky R, Vogt M, Arnold WV, Bicanic G, Bini SA, Catani F, Chen J, Ghazavi MT, Godefroy KM, Holham P, Hosseinzadeh H, Kim KI, Kirketerp-Møller K, Lidgren L, Lin JH, Lonner JH, Moore CC, Papagelopoulos P, Poultsides L, Ra

Perioperative Antibiotics

J Arthroplasty. 2013 Dec 16. pii: S0883-5403(13)00711-0. doi: 10.1016/j.arth.2013.09.030. [Epub ahead of print] - No abstract available
Written by Stefánsdóttir A, Garland A, Gustafson P, Schultz

PRISS Samarbete för säkrare protesoperationer

Ortopediskt Magasin. 2013, 4:34-36.

Read more: PRISS Samarbete för säkrare protesoperationer

Written by Robertsson O, W-Dahl A, Sundberg M, Knutson K.

Svenska Knäartroplastikregistret – en berättelse om det första kvalitetsregistret

In: Ledord Ortopedi Reumatologi. Sydsvenska Medicinhistoriska Sällskapets årsskrift 2013. (Ed. Persson BEB, Lidgren L, Saxne T).Elvins Grafiska AB, Helsingborg.


Written by Lidgren L

Ortopedi i Lund och Malmö

In: Ledord Ortopedi Reumatologi. Sydsvenska Medicinhistoriska Sällskapets årsskrift 2013. (Ed. Persson BEB, Lidgren L, Saxne T).Elvins Grafiska AB, Helsingborg.


Written by Lidgren L, Saxne T

Förord: Ledord Ortopedi Reumatologi

In: Ledord Ortopedi Reumatologi. Sydsvenska Medicinhistoriska Sällskapets årsskrift 2013. (Ed. Persson BEB, Lidgren L, Saxne T).Elvins Grafiska AB, Helsingborg.

Written by Lohmander SL

Knee replacement for osteoarthritis: facts, hopes, and fears.

Medicographia 2013; 34:181-188.

Read more: Knee replacement for osteoarthritis: facts, hopes, and fears.

Written by Gustafson P, Schults T, Stefánsdóttir A.

PRISS – Protesrelaterade Infektioner Ska Stoppas – ett nationellt tvärprofessionellt samarbete för säkrare protesinfektioner i knä och höft. Slutrapport

(Ed. Gustafson P, Schultz T och Stefánsdóttir A). Patientförsäkringen LÖF (Landstingens Ömsesidiga Försäkringsbolag).  Ljungbergs Tryckeri AB, januari 2014.

Written by W-Dahl A, Bundesen I-M, Rydén C, Staaf A, Stefánsdóttir A, Östgaard HC.

Profylaktiskt antibiotikum vid elektiv knä- och höftprotesoperation. Slutrapport från expertgrupp 2 PRISS-projektet.

Written by Ricciardi BF, Bostrom MP, Lidgren L, Ranstam J, Merollini KMD, W-Dahl A.

Prevention of Surgical Site Infection in Total Joint Arthroplasty: An International Tertiary Care Center Survey.

HSS Journal. 2013 Dec (e-pub).

Read more: Prevention of Surgical Site Infection in Total Joint Arthroplasty: An International Tertiary Care...

Written by Lazarinis S, Lidgren L, Stefánsdóttir A, W-Dahl A.

Consensus document on prosthetic joint infections

Acta Orthop. 2013 Nov 29. [Epub ahead of print] No abstract available
Written by Dunbar MJ, Richardson G, Robertsson O.

I can't get no satisfaction after my total knee replacement: rhymes and reasons.

Bone Joint J. 2013 Nov 1;95-B(11 Suppl A):148-52

Read more: I can't get no satisfaction after my total knee replacement: rhymes and reasons.

Written by Juréus J, Lindstrand A, Geijer M, Robertsson O, Tägil M.

The natural course of spontaneous osteonecrosis of the knee (SPONK)

Acta Orthop. 2013 Aug;84(4):410-4.

Read more: The natural course of spontaneous osteonecrosis of the knee (SPONK)

Written by Stefánsdóttir A, Johansson A, Lidgren L, Wagner P, W-Dahl A.

Bacterial colonization and resistance patterns in 133 patients undergoing a primary hip- or knee replacement in Southern Sweden.

Acta Orthop. 2013 Feb;84(1):87-91.

Read more: Bacterial colonization and resistance patterns in 133 patients undergoing a primary hip- or knee...

Written by Lidgren L, Alriksson-Schmidt A, Ranstam J

ArthroplastyWatch - beyond borders, beyond compliance.

BMJ. 2013 Feb 19;346:f1013. No abstract available.
Svenska knäprotesregistret | Ortopediska kliniken, Universitetssjukhuset i Lund, 221 85 Lund.
Telefon: 046 - 17 13 45, E-mail: knee@med.lu.se